 | Safe Abrasive Manufacturing & Trading
Manufacturers of all kinds of abrasive belts.
 | Sri Balaji Tools & Hardware Stores
Exporters of ship & ultratouch abrasive.
 | Sreenivasan & Co.
Suppliers of scoth brite coated abrasive and surface conditioning products.
 | Spark Industries
Manufacturer and suppliers of garnet abrasive, steel shots, stainless steel shots, metal shot, steel cut wire shot, steel grits. Also available with zinc wire, aluminium oxide and metal spray gun.
 | Spark Abrasives Private Limited
Manufactures and exporter bonded abrasives, silicon abrasives and grinding wheels abrasives.
 | Shree Gayatri Abrasive & Exports
Manufacturing of abrasive and silicon carbide.
 | Shiv Shakti Enterprises
Mfrs & distributor of several kinds of abrasives products,wool pad, flap wheel, cut off wheel, dc wheel, flexible wheel, sanding belt, semi flexible belt, radial flap disc and sand paper.
 | Scrubex Corporation
Manufacturing abrasive products like hand pad brush, roll brush,matt buff brush, non woven flap brush, interleaves brush, unified brush, polishing wheel,air cool wheel, aluminum oxide cloth roll and surface conditioning.
 | Sanwa Kenma Limited
Manufacturer and exporter of polishing abrasives.
 | Sanmati Metals
Suppliers of elasto silicon lacquer, elasto silicon hardner, paint stripper etc.
 | Sankalp Industries, Pune
Manufactures engineering abrasive components and abrasives.
 | Sam Alloys
Supplier and producer of shot abrasives.
 | Sako Trading Company
Deals into all kinds of abrasives industrial tools.
 | A. H. Taher & Co.
Distributers of coated abrasives.
 | Sahaj Cerchem Private Ltd.
Mfrs & exporter of abrasive bonding frits, crystallized ceramic glazes, ceramic granulates, crinkles, glaze frits, enamel frits, ceramic colors, electrical and electronic applications.
 | Steel-Shine
Manufacturers and wholsale suppliers of abrasive and non-woven abrasive material.
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