| Abhirami Engineering Works
Mfrs & supplying castings, casting patters, mold castings, precision mold casting, designed mold casting, industrial mold casting, wooden mold casting, polished mold casting, finished mold casting and dimensional mold casting.
 | Jyoti Die Cast
Dealers of all types of die castings and castings such as weighing die castings and automobile die castings.
 | Prabhat Castings
Dealers of machine tool castings and elevator casting parts.
 | Sobti Automotive India Private Limited
Deals in all types of die cast components.
 | Qualytech
Deals in automobile castings, c.i casting, pump casting and casting.
 | Vasantham Foundry
Deals into all kinds of grey iron casting.
 | Caparo Company
Deals into all types of casting.
 | suresh Metal works
Deals into castings, casting grills and die castings.
 | Premier Looms Manufacturers Private Limited
Engaged in providing iron casting, metal casting, ferrous casting, industrial casting, decorative casting, heavy duty pulley driven wheel impellers, finished flywheel castings, finished gear castings, gear casting, valve castings, machinery parts casting.
 | Casting & Castings
Exporters & Mfrs of casting, cast iron, alloy steel casting, casting stainless and steel casting.
 | Precicraft Automation
Exporters & suppliers of industrial castings, bronze castings, sand casting used to make large components of iron, bronze, brass, precision gears, casting precision gears and precision machined components.
 | universal technocast
Exporters &Mfrs of investment casting.
 | Blue Dolphin
Traders & suppliers of castings.
 | Edcons M.K.S. Casting Private Limited
Mfrs & bulk exporters of castings, cast iron casting, iron casting and steel castings.
 | B. R. Technocast
Suppliers of grey iron castings, cast iron castings, graded iron castings, engineering castings, pig iron casting, graded cast iron casting, ornamental casting, green sand mouldings.
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